LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [RegExp->Split] Category String
Type Member Source Available Yes
Support Preferred Version 8.5
Change New Data Source Any
Output Type Array Security None
Implementation Sets Lasso 8.5


[RegExp->Split] is a utility tag which splits the input string at every instance of the find pattern and returns the resulting array. The tag accepts optional parameters to override the -Find or -Input with new values.

For example, the find pattern [aeiou] will split the word "fox" into an array of two elements [Array: 'f', 'x']. If the find pattern contains groups then those groups will also be inserted into the output array. For example, the find pattern ([aeiou]) where the parentheses define a group will split the word "fox" into an array with three elements [Array: 'f', 'o', 'x'] since the group containing the vowel "o" is inserted into the output.

Note - The same result of this tag can also be returned by passing the regular expression object to [String->Split] tag. [(RegExp: -Find='[aeiou]')->(Split: 'fox')] is equivalent to ['fox'->(Split: (RegExp: -Find='[aeiou]')]


[Var: 'myRegExp' = (RegExp: '\\W+')]
[$myRegexp->(Split: 'the lazy dog')]


Optional Parameters
-Find Specifies a new find pattern to use for the search/replace operation. Defaults to the current stored find pattern.
-Input Specifies the input to run the search/replace operation on. Defaults to the current stored input string.
-IgnoreCase If specified the search/replace operation is performed without regard to case. Defaults to the current setting in the regular expression type.


See the Lasso 8 Language Guide for examples of how to use this tag.

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